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Travel tips and cool things to do in Toronto

Toronto is one of the most multi-cultural cities in the world, and the biggest, busiest in Canada. Close to 3 million people live in this modern metropolis, where arts and entertainment, food and drink and cultural festivities reflect Indigenous history and waves of immigration from every country you can name.

If you are thinking of going, you may have questions about safety in Toronto for women or solo travellers, cool things to do in Toronto, off-the-beaten path experiences, cool bars or affordable spas. I’m here to help!

My travel tips for Toronto come from first-hand experience: it’s been my hometown for more than 20 years. I’ve lived at Church and Wellesley in the East and Parkdale in the West, had fun in pretty much every neighbourhood in between.

I treat my blog readers like a friend visiting from out of town—honest reviews, helpful info, geared to your budget—and I’m so excited to share with you my favourite museums, parks, bike trails, live music venues, festivals, and more.

As a single woman, I generally feel safe out and about alone in Toronto. But I take caution and precautions when travelling on subways and other public transportation, where the city’s mental health and housing crises often converge in violent incidents involving the unhoused. I also advise female friends to beware the “Pick-up artist” bros who tend to hassle women who look alone in public. On the other side, we have amazing world-class hotels with very cool bars where you can hang out at night safely and not miss a thing.

This blog focuses on finding strange and unusual attractions to share with you and Toronto has plenty! So read on for reviews and tips for cool things to do in Toronto. I hope they inspire you to come for a visit.

My travel tips and picks for the best of Toronto